Tag: feed reader

Feeds, podcasts, sermons, etc

Someone cancelled their emailfeedreader-button.jpg subscription to Confessions the other day.  I understand that because I get too many emails myself.  Plus, email gets stuck in your inbox, you’ve got to read it or delete it, and mostly if you don’t read it right now, you’ll forget about it.  I just cancelled my last two email subscriptions today myself.  I’m all Google reader now.

If you haven’t used a reader, it’s really simple.  Microsoft XP has one built right in to your browser and you can bookmark blogs just like you bookmark sites.  But I like Google reader because I also use Google Desktop, including gmail, which I can access at home, at church, or from any computer with internet access.  I’m all about not carrying my lappy with me more than I have to.  If you don’t know how to do this, ask a friend.  You’ll be glad you did.

You can also download my sermon podcasts through iTunes or from my sermon blog, Chuck Warnock: Sermons, etc, plus you can read the sermon manuscript there (usually) before the Sunday I’m going to preach it.  The podcast is up on Monday (usually). 

I’m working on (meaning I have someone else working on) putting all my blogs at one address, but we’re not quite there yet.  I’ll let you know when that happens.  Until then, do the feed reader thing.  You’ll be glad you did.