Why we Baptists need a creed

I am about to break an unwritten rule in Baptist life.  Granted, it won’t be my first transgression, and probably not my last, but this one is becoming more important to me the longer I’m in ministry.  We need a creed.  There, I said it!  We Baptists need a creed.

Now, for those who don’t know much about Baptists (and why would you if you aren’t one?), Baptists don’t believe in creeds.  We give no cred to the creed.  When it comes to the Apostles’ or the Nicene or any other creed, we just say No.  Baptists base this aversion to creeds on the idea of the priesthood of the believer.  We define that as meaning that any individual believer has the right to interpret scripture for him or herself, and to follow the dictates of his or her own Christian conscience.

Of course, we really don’t want people doing that, so we write and rewrite documents we call “confessions.”  Confessions in Baptist life go back hundreds of years, and are very, very long creeds that no one could ever memorize or say in unison in public, so they’re okay for us.  Right now in Southern Baptist life we have churches that follow the 1963 Baptist Faith and Message, and we have churches that have adopted the more recent 2000 Baptist Faith and Message.  For folks who place a lot of stock on the priesthood of the believer, we sure get mighty precise when we write our confessions.

One of our seminary presidents is calling for a “Great Commission Resurgence.” I want to throw in my two-cents and call for an “Apostles’ Creed Resurgence.”  I am serious.  (Some of you thought I was kidding, didn’t you?).  Well, I am quite serious.  We need a creed, and here’s why.

Let’s take the Apostles’ Creed, for instance.  First, I like the legend, which I am sure has little basis is fact, but it makes a nice story.  The legend is that each of the 12 apostles contributed one phrase each to the statement that came to be known as, well, the Apostles’ Creed.  Of course, that’s legend, not reality, but I still like it.

But more importantly, I think we need some basics to agree on.  We’re supposed to agree on The Baptist Faith and Message, but now it’s become a matter of which one, 1963 or 2000?  Plus, some Baptist institutions have added more theological criteria for employment than either BF&M covers, so that’s become an issue. I think a return to the Apostles’ Creed could solve that problem.

The Apostles’ Creed is a basic, general statement of the beliefs (the Latin credo means I believe) held in common by all Christians.  Here is a version I like:

I BELIEVE in God the Father Almighty,
Maker of heaven and earth:
And in Jesus Christ his only Son our Lord,
Who was conceived by the Holy Spirit,
Born of the Virgin Mary,
Suffered under Pontius Pilate,
Was crucified, dead, and buried:
He descended into hell;
The third day he rose again from the dead;
He ascended into heaven,
And sits at the right hand of God the Father Almighty;
From there he shall come to judge the living and the dead.
I believe in the Holy Spirit;
The holy catholic church;
The communion of saints;
The forgiveness of sins;
The resurrection of the body,
And the life everlasting.

There are other versions of the Apostles’ Creed which change “he descended into hell” to “he descended to the dead” or leave it out altogether.  Theology comes and goes, I suppose.  And, of course, to say “I believe in the holy catholic church” is blasphemy in a Baptist congregation, where we don’t want anything to do with anything Catholic.  Except in the Creed, “holy catholic church” means the universal church, the church in all its constituent parts, not the Roman Catholic Church.  Still, we Baptists often choke slightly on the “catholic” part.

But, back to my point — we need a creed.  I am so convinced we need a creed that I’m going to take 12-weeks and preach on each point of the creed this summer and fall.  Think of this as a doctrinal series, using the Apostles’ Creed as my outline.

So, that’s it.  What do you think?  Of course, some of you creedal folks nodded off to sleep several paragraphs back.  To you, this is not a big deal.  Believe me, for Baptists this is a big deal.  I do take some comfort in the fact that in 1905, when the Baptist World Alliance convened for its inaugural meeting, all of the attendees joined in one mightly voice to say together The Apostles’ Creed.  Maybe we should do that, again.

38 thoughts on “Why we Baptists need a creed”

  1. My church (Conservative Baptist) actually has one. We occasionally say the Apostles’, Nicene, or DEC (Durham Evangelical Church) Creeds in services.

    I agree that it’s worth spelling out some points about what are the basics of being a Christian. All too often, we get bogged down in peripheral details and side issues. It’s well worth taking the time to say, “We believe in …” and getting a little reminder.

  2. as a “weird” Southern Baptist, I completely agree with you. I discovered the classic ecumenical creeds about 5 years ago and it changed my life. I am in a community now (not baptist) that is extremely confessional, and I am worried about when I leave, because I see so much refreshment in the Great Tradition. D.H. Williams has done much to bring the baptist world back into this viewpoint, and I applaud you for spending the time to teach through it. Makes me wish I was closer to your church.

  3. I agree or in the very least a concise listing of our beliefs both Evangelical Free and Assembly of God have a printed list of 10-12 theological statements they belief.

    I’m going step out a little farther here and say I wouldn’t be opposed to teaching the Westminster Catechism either.

  4. When I saw the lead in on Facebook, I had to do a double-take. A Baptist talking about creeds? Had to check out the rest of the article! Nice job. You’re right. But saying it doesn’t necessarily mean anything. I was seriously astounded a few years back to find out how many folks who DO say the creeds don’t believe in a physical resurrection. So many so that I cornered our Episcopal priest and said, “Okay, give it up. Do you believe or don’t you?” It was a go-no go issue to me. Fortunately — because I like my church community! — our priest indeed did believe in a physical resurrection. So I didn’t have to find a new church!

  5. Wow. I’m impressed and excited about your sermon series idea. Coming from a tradition that doesn’t even have confessions, that’s kind of “out there.” However – when I read through the whole creed carefully what’s there that can be argued with from a biblical basis? Nada. (listening to Rich Mullins sing his version of Creed while doing so helps!)
    Thanks for being bold, insightful and encouraging. I’m gonna go ponder this for a while…

  6. I used to be disdain any written creed or doctrinal statement, but as I studied the early church (not the early church as I interpreted it through Acts and the Epistles) I came to love and appreciate the ancient statements of belief, and saw how their repetition is not only instructive, but unifying.

  7. Thanks for your comments, everyone! Seems the creed does have some cred, after all. I’ll keep you posted on the sermon series as it begins in late August. Thanks.

  8. Chuck, I fail to understand what the difference would be between a creed and the BF&M. Obviously the creed would be a much shorter statement, which means some specific details of the BF&M would be omitted, but for the most part the two documents would essentially say the same things. Therefore, with the BF&M serving as the basis of the creed, would that not make it the more authoritative creedal statement? Do you see what I am driving at? Southern Baptists already have a creed. It is nothing but a childish game to call it a confession of faith when it stands as their modus operandi for all SBC churches, Seminaries, and agencies.

  9. As a Lutheran Pastor, I am surprised to see the interest in the Apostles and Nicean Creeds being recited in Baptist circles. (one hopes that the Lord’s prayer is also recited?) Now only if Baptists could see the value of Catechism Classes for the youth. Perhaps you could use A CATECHISM OF BIBLE TEACHING, 1892 by John Broadus (1892 edition printed by the Sunday-School Board of Southern Baptist Convention / 1890 edition printed by the American Baptist Publication Society / 1895 edition printed by the American Baptist Mission Press

  10. I have reviewed and studied your information regarding the Apostles Creed and find it very helpful. Three weeks ago, I began this study as a result of a guest minister coming in and bashing our creed because he did know the meaning of “holy cahtolic church”.

    I simnply want to say thank you for sharing your materials and personal testimonies included are awesome.

  11. Pastor Timberlake, thanks for your comments and I am glad this is helpful to you. It is amazing how many people speak out of ignorance, rather than understanding when it comes to creeds or other church issues. I hope the remainder of the series sheds some interesting light on the Apostles’ Creed for you. -Chuck

  12. Read 1 Corinthians 15:35-54 with a critical eye: “Flesh & blood can not inherit the Kingdom of God,” & “The glory of the heavenly body is one sort and the earthly another.” The resurrection was not in earthly physical bodies, that’s fiction from the creeds–not scripture. We don’t know what type of bodies we will have in heaven, but that verse clearly destroys the creedal “resurrection of the body.”

    1. I absolutely agree with Lance. There are too many people picking and choosing their own theologies instead of following Jesus Christ and our Father. Why people want to readopt the Roman Empires teachings. The very teachings that people died for; to release us from them, is beyond me. Wake up to the truth please people, learn from History. The Roman Empire and it’s Church is Evil (the Whore of Babylon), please do not allow yourself to be deceived. Did our Lord Jesus Christ tell us to bow down to a Man. Jesus Christ died to free us from the religious control of hierarchy. We now have a direct relationship to the Father (God) and the Father gives us all we ask for in the name of Jesus Christ. Seek the truth of Christ, it is the truth that sets us free.

  13. Lance, thanks for your comments, but the phrase “I believe in….the resurrection of the body” does not mean the same body we have now. If you agree that Jesus was resurrected, and is the first-fruits of those who will be resurrected in the future, then Jesus becomes the illustration of the kind of body we will have. His resurrected body could pass through locked doors, and was somehow different, but still recognizable. The apostles and church fathers were not unaware of the passage you cited, and I do not believe they thought these physical bodies of ours would be raised without being changed. But, the resurrection of the body means continuity with our identity, our existence here on this earth. So, thanks for your comments, but go back and study the idea of resurrection, Jesus’ resurrection, and the possibilities it presents for us in eternity.

  14. I have been searching for God, and in my search I felt led to a Southern Baptist church. I was told that if I believe Jesus will love me, and be baptized, I would have Jesus. I went forward, eagerly desiring Jesus to come into me. I was immediately shuffled from the sanctuary where I was told to give my name and address. Then a man wanted to take my picture.

    I am camera phobic and said no. I left that day feeling very empty and lost. They were concerned only about numbers and pictures to post, not me or my being saved.

    I am deeply hurt and sad. I don’t know how to find God without meeting the demands they placed on me “to join their church”, when I believed I would confess, accept Jesus, and join God’s church, not be a number to be bragged over.

    I will never risk such emotional pain again. I was not told they are really a cult, or a club. Why are baptists like that?

    That question is rhetorical.

    1. Don’t ask what brought me to this site, perhaps call it providence. I know that you made your posting well over a year ago, but in hopes that somehow you will see my reply; I’ll give it a try.

      Debra, I have been a pastor for over 16 years in the Traditional Anglican Faith. I entered the ministry later in life, after the age of 40. My first wife, who I lost to cancer in 2004, had been raised Southern Baptist. She also was extremely insecure and very shy. Like you the idea of being hustled off for a photo-op would have been devastating.

      In my years in ministry, and even in my time before I was ordained, I always felt that the worst measurement of the success of a church would be the numbers of people in the seats, and how much was collected each week in the offering. They really don’t tell the real story. The best measurement of a church is how the individual is growing in Christ Jesus.

      A brief point. Some churches are small, perhaps under 50 people. Some are in the hundreds, and some even in the thousands. Each has their own set of positive attributes and negative attributes. The larger church can do “great things” with their resources, but often times (due to their size) find it difficult to be personable. The Pastor would find it impossible to even know most of the members by name, let alone any of the circumstances that family, or individual was facing at any given time.

      In a small church, it is more of an intimate family. A medium size church contains a bit of both elements.

      You wrote, and I quote: “I am deeply hurt and sad. I don’t know how to find God without meeting the demands they placed on me ‘to join their church’, when I believed I would confess, accept Jesus, and join God’s church, not be a number to be bragged over.” All your points are completely valid, and I could not agree more.

      First, you don’t need to meet the institutional requirements of a particular local church, or even a national denomination, to find God. The true definition of a church is the “living body of Christ” on this earth. A church is not a building or place, nor is it an organization.

      I can only speak to the churches that I pastored. I would never put anyone in an uncomfortable position just to have bragging rights on how many people were “saved” under my ministry. Face it, I don’t save anyone, which is the work of God, through is Son, Jesus Christ.

      Debra, please don’t judge the whole of Christianity by this horrible experience. Know that God loves you, and desires to have you with Him for all eternity. However, also understand that this particular church probably meant well, but can’t see the ramifications and potential damage caused by their policy, a policy NOT found in scripture.

      Know my prayers are with you, and know that God WILL lead you where you need to be. If you have any other questions, feel free to reply.

      In Christ’s service,
      Bob Biermann

  15. If what happened to me is what serving God means, it is too sad, empty, and hurtful for me. I believed Jesus was love.

    1. Debra,

      As a child, I grew up in the church. The majority of my friends were at Sunday School, the youth group, and the choir. My mother and father were both Sunday School teachers, and we, as a family, were active in many, many facets of the church, from maintenance to activities.

      God was present in my childhood. I felt him everyday.

      As I grew older, when I moved away from home, I at first thoroughly enjoyed the freedom of sleeping in on Sundays. Eventually, though, I got called back to church. It was quite a different experience this time around. I am quite shy, especially around strangers, and an introvert on top of that. Going to church alone was a huge step for me, but I figured that all would be well because God is Love, and therefore, so is the church.

      Not quite.

      For years, I would attend a church here and there, and leave feeling more alone and lonelier than I did when I arrived. It made it hard to go back. Most of the time I did not. However, I kept hearing the call. Each time I figured out what the call was (I sometimes ignored it for weeks, or simply didn’t understand what the niggling in my brain was all about), I would find a church, a different one from the last time, and go, hoping against hope that it would be better this time. Believe it or not, a few times it was, and I would go several times.

      But it is my belief that the church should reach out to welcome you, not wait for you to force yourself upon them, so eventually, for a variety of reasons, I would end up not going anymore.

      Then one day I got a postcard. It was from a non-denominational church’s ad campaign. I got them a lot, and discarded them almost immediately. But this one was different. I don’t remember the exact words, but it mentioned God being synonymous with laughter, or something like that. I hadn’t given it much thought, but God did create us in his image, so he had to have a sense of humor, better than anyone else on the planet! So I went. The church met in a movie theatre, which I thought was odd, but intriguing. That church was one of the best things to ever happen to me! Eventually, I had to move to another state, but the one thing I miss the most is that church.

      So what’s my point?

      First, I completely understand what you’re saying. I’ve experienced it. Church should be about love, getting to know Jesus, and feeling the wonder, excitement, and awe of what he did for us and how we can show our appreciation by giving back to the community. When you go to church with those expectations, only to have them dashed to the floor and shattered pieces tromped upon, it makes it hard to believe that church is really what the stories of love, goodwill, and friendship make it seem like it should be.

      But, Debra, if Jesus lives in your heart, you can’t give up. In order for your faith to grow, you must find a place where it will be nurtured and cared for. Your faith is like a seed; it needs food, water, love, and sunshine so it can blossom. Even the person with the largest faith you can imagine needs a church family. The most beautiful of flowers will wither and die if it is not cared for.

      It can take time to heal from having your hopes crumbled at this church or that church. That’s fine. Take the time you need. But don’t let time be your enemy. Pick a new church. Go. Give it a chance. Yes, it’s true, you might have the same bad experience. But, then again, you might not. This might be just the thing you were looking for. The Rabbi who writes the syndicated GodSquad column that appears in my local newspaper once wrote: If you go and the cookies are good, but the people are cold, you need to find a different church. But if you go and the cookies are stale but the people are open and friendly, you’ve found your church home. (That’s a complete paraphrase, of course.)

      The point is, you are right: Jesus is love. Churches that are eager to have you join so they can point to increased numbers are not serving God, they are serving themselves, and that is not a good place for your faith to grow. But, a gardener faced with a plot of clay and sand will search out the ideal conditions for planting seeds. That is what you need to do. Jesus is love and He wants nothing more than to add you to his family. He searches desperately for his lost sheep, wanting them all to be safe in his care. After a bad church experience, cry a bit, get angry, lick your wounds, but don’t give up. Lean on Jesus; that’s what He’s there for. Ask Him for guidance in finding the right church for you. Who knows, it just might be in a movie theatre or high school gym. It might be in large congregation or in that quaint little church down the road. Somewhere, there is a church family that is incomplete because you aren’t there. With God’s help, you will find it and feel like you have come home.

      Good luck, Debra. I wish you all the best, and I pray that you will find what you are seeking. You have the faith, you just need to find the right place that will welcome you and help your faith grow.

  16. I was born and raised Lutheran. As a child that was great, but as an adult, I found the scripted services to be rather suffocating and meaningless. I understand that for others, it holds great meaning and comfort, but for me, not so much. So for the past twenty years or so, it’s been off and on again for church attendance. Lutheran services left me feeling cold and lonely; non-denominational services had great sermons, but little else I liked. I longed for a simple service, with traditional hymns, and a friendly atmosphere.

    I got called to a little Baptist church down the road from my home. I like it, I really do. They sing the hymns I like, the people are open and friendly, the service has structure but an informal feel. It’s completely unlike what I grew up with, but I really like it. I’ve been attending all summer, and have begun participating in Bible study groups, one of which is covering the history and tenets of the Baptist denomination.

    For the most part, I am in complete agreement with the Baptist ideas. I was taught that I had a direct connection with God because Jesus died for our sins. I have no problem with that. But I felt my spine stiffen when I learned that Baptists aren’t creedal. After learning what that meant, I couldn’t help but feel it was an attack on one of my fundamental beliefs. I grew up reciting the Nicene Creed the first Sunday of each month (Communion Sunday), and the Apostles’ Creed in between. In fact, near the end of my regular church-going days, I got to the point where the only parts of the service I participated in were the reciting of the Creeds and of the Lord’s Prayer because they were the foundation of my faith, from my bone marrow outward.

    To learn that the Baptist service I have come to love won’t ever include these basic testaments of faith because they are meant to make a person be one of the group (paraphrase of how it was explained in my class) makes me feel like I am wrong, not just for knowing about them, but for being able to recite them from memory. This is raising a huge conflict within me, because when I read them as objectively as I can, I only see a statement of what I believe in, and it seems to be the very same things the Baptists around me believe in. So how is it wrong to state your beliefs? Even if it’s the same or similar to how others are doing it? I just don’t understand it.

    It really doesn’t make sense, if you think about it, because one of the basic tenets of the Baptist denomination is as stated above: “any individual believer has the right to interpret scripture for him or herself, and to follow the dictates of his or her own Christian conscience.” To be honest and fair, no one has told me I am wrong, and no one has told me I cannot recite the creed of my choice. I am simply describing how I feel and the impression I am getting. Both creeds are special to me, the Apostles’ Creed especially, as I was able to pray my way out of a very frightening situation by reciting it.

    My belief in these creeds also brings up another conflict within me. The Nicene Creed states a belief “in one baptism for the forgiveness of sins.” Yet, in order to become a member of this church, they want me to be baptized (full immersion … brrr … ?). Yet I was baptized as an infant according to the tradition of Lutheranism, and confirmed my baptism as a young adult. Through my baptism, my confirmation, and my faith, I feel fully and completely Christian. I would love to be an active member of a church family, but wonder at the hoops I must jump through to become a member of this church, or the beliefs I feel I must agree to set aside because they don’t match the basic beliefs of the denomination.

    Am I silly for being so conflicted about this? On the surface, they seem like such small things, yet they have truly stirred my heart, and I find the more I think about it, the more I feel like I would be surrendering a vital part of myself to give up my creeds or to be baptized again. I could, of course, recite the creeds on my own, which is actually what I do, when I do it. But right now as a non-denominational-Lutheran-raised Christian, they are not wrong or right, they just are what they are, and what they are is more important to me than I realized. Or perhaps I’m just being stubborn?

    And, really, can one be baptized too many times? What would it really hurt to go through with it again, even if it is full immersion? Only, I’ve been baptized, and confirmed my baptism. It was my choice to do so. And my creed says it only need be done once to work. Which is right? Am I just once again being stubborn as well as submitting to the horror of being the only one being baptized in front of everybody? I really don’t like being the center of attention, and it’s highly likely I would be alone on that particular Sunday morning.

    Thank you for your article. Obviously, I am struggling with becoming a full-member of the Baptist denomination, but there is much that I admire about it. I enjoyed your article and agree wholeheartedly with it. I especially agree with one commenter, Nate (5/27/2009) who stated that he found them “not only instructive, but unifying.” I completely agree with that, too. The creeds help me define my faith, explain what it is I believe, and provide me with something to say when words just won’t come.

    1. Same problem here…led to Baptist church but missing [high]church components and still wonder why sprinkling baptism wasn’t enough.my biggest concern is for new believers who are not taught creeds to remember breadth of what they believe easily.

  17. I like the way you write. Very down to earth and clear.

    I don’t believe you explained why you thought Baptist should bring back the Apostle’s Creed. You really only stated we should, and that we really should. Could you explain better WHY you think we should.

    I do, however, believe that the Apostle’s Creed does lend to a great outline for a good sermon series, but I also believe that being required to recite a creed of any sort does remove the believer’s priesthood. I’m not saying that I believe that this is your point, nor do I believe that your point is that reciting the Apostle’s Creed gives others assurance you are a genuine Christian which is a slippery slope itself.

  18. We are in the middle of a study on the Nicene creed. I never knew this creed in a Baptist church or any other creed for that matter. Even the Lords prayer sounded strange and unfamiliar after so many years in the Baptist church. That’s a shame!

  19. Pastor Warnock,
    I researching the internet to find analysis on the Apostle’s Creed, I found your site and comments on creeds. Thank you! I lead two Bible studies at my church currently – Judges and Romans. But this morning, I was bombarded with questions about different statements in the Apostle’s Creed. Out new pastor is having us read it on Communion Sunday, which I for one love. Anyway my reason for commenting is that I would like to hear or read your sermon series on the Apostle’s Creed. Is that possible?
    Again thank you and may God bless you for your efforts to serve Him.
    Marlaine B.

  20. Hello RezSchool,

    I had to write something in response to your statement about baptism. I am no scholar in biblical study I promise, however I’ve given a lot of thought to this Re-baptism issue. I was raised Methodist from a traditional Methodist family, christened as a infant and reaffirmed my baptism through confirmation by joining God’s Church by my own choice. My boyfriend is Baptist and I’ve attended services at his church which are fine except yearly they do these baptisms in multiply force( I mean hundreds get baptized in a reflection pond in front of the church). He turned to me during a service at his church and tells me I need to get re-baptized, I said why I’ve been baptized. This turned into a very bad conversation between us, he thinks I don’t get why they rebaptize as a meaning to being born again. I believe I only need one baptism and to re-baptize would take away the significance of my original baptism. In order to reaffirm my baptism all I need to do is take communion and confess to god. He doesn’t seem to get this. I really in my heart believe that being re-baptized will reduce the importance of my original baptism, which still holds significance to me. I wanted to share my view and hopefully there will be others to offer their viewpoints on this topic.

    Btw I awoke needing to read the apostles creed, just because it offers great comfort to me.

  21. Reading all these comments on Religious beliefs and the Apostles Creed. I can not wonder and ask why so many Churches have popped up with their own spin on things. But more importantly of all Why have people pulled away from the Universal Church the Church headed by Peter?.
    “No I am not a Catholic”. I am still looking. But if do come to believed there is a God I would have to say the Catholic Church is the only one so far that make any Sense.

  22. I have been a Southern Baptist mywhole life. We have always used the Aposties Creed is at least most of the churches I have gone to. Not every Sunday but from tiem to time it is read as a group or with the pastor reading one line and the rest of us reading the next, so on.

  23. I was raised in a Christian home, taken regularly to church and given the advantage of a minister for a dad who practiced what he preached. I was raised with the freedom to question or disagree without losing my father’s love. I observed Christians in every denomination. I visited the churches of my friends. I learned we were very similar but not identical. I had no problem with that. We are “the church”. I do not believe Jesus will say, ” I would love to take you to heaven but you haven’t been properly baptized.” I do believe He will say, ” I would love to take you to heaven but you haven’t accepted me as your Lord and Savior.” As Christians, when we feel ourselves shifting focus from our purpose of sharing the good news to arguing about procedures, let us stop, step back from the issue and ask if what we are saying and doing is guiding others TO Christ. Can we make our problems less about “me” and more about “Him”? I am sorry we have any labels. As soon as we say, “I am Baptist. I am Lutheran. I am non-denominational.” we color the way others perceive our message. Our comments begin to sound like the commercial, “My dogs better than your dog…” Let us be Christians who worship Christ everywhere. Let us all go after those that are lost using every tool we have including the Apostle’s creed to share our testimony and serve our Saviour. Let us be on the same team, the same body, using our distinctions to appeal to the needs of every type of person. Let us love our neighboring church and rejoice at the growth in each not because it means bigger numbers but because it means we have been sharing!

  24. Hi Pastor Chuck!! Loved your perspective! Thanx for helping Ephesians’ message a bit (…One Lord, one baptism, one Spirit…).
    I’m a newly ordained priest in the Catholic Charismatic Church (we’re a separate rite from the Roman Catholic Church but with the same Apostolic Succession) and a long time Nashville recording artist, published author and record producer. (Yea, I’ve been busy… 🙂 :)).
    I have two goals: Bringing people to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior–AND–bringing ALL Christian denominations closer together. Let’s face it, we ALL worship the SAME Lord, but “some like Chevy’s, some like Mopars, and some like Fords…” I’m sure you get what I mean! 🙂
    I’d love to chat with you sometime! Please feel free to get hold of me.
    Be blessed, Pastor, and may the Holy Spirit continue to bear fruit in you and your ministry!! 🙂
    Father (‘Brother’ works too! :)) Gabriel.

  25. I am currently a member of an Episcopal Church. I grew up Baptist, attended Baylor, church music major; my wife grew up Catholic. We compromised with the Episcopal Church; I also really like the music. My only problem is with the Nicean Creed–“we acknowledge one baptism for the forgiveness of sins.” My Baptist background, theology courses at Baylor, and personal experience provide strong belief that salvation comes from a personal confession of sins, an acceptance of Jesus Christ’s crucifixion as the atonement for my sins, and the commitment to follow Christ’s teachings to the best of my ability. Baptism is only the outward sign of a change in your life resulting from accepting Jesus as your personal savior, not the act of salvation. Therefore I can recite the Apostles creed, but cringe every time I recote the Nicean Creed.

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